Posts tagged ben greenfield
Expanding Human Potential & Consciousness via Quantum Energy with Philipp von Holtzendorff-Fehling & Dr Jeff Wulfman

Do you suffer from anxiety, stress, trauma, PTSD? Or simply want to sleep better, have more energy and focus, and be the best version of yourself? Well you are in for a treat as today’s guest is Raffaele Gianfrancesco, the North American Sales Director for Roxiva, a light and sound device for brain optimization.

Raffaele is a certified NeuroFeedback coach, entrepreneur, former Wall Street man, student of philosophy, and graduate of a 3 year mystery school program. My kind of cat. I have really enjoyed getting to know him! And what really stood out to me in the podcast is how sharp he is on brain optimization and how quickly and insightfully he answered my questions which he did not see in advance of the podcast recording.

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Brain Optimization via Light & Sound with Raffaelle Gianfrancesco

Do you suffer from anxiety, stress, trauma, PTSD? Or simply want to sleep better, have more energy and focus, and be the best version of yourself? Well you are in for a treat as today’s guest is Raffaele Gianfrancesco, the North American Sales Director for Roxiva, a light and sound device for brain optimization.

Raffaele is a certified NeuroFeedback coach, entrepreneur, former Wall Street man, student of philosophy, and graduate of a 3 year mystery school program. My kind of cat. I have really enjoyed getting to know him! And what really stood out to me in the podcast is how sharp he is on brain optimization and how quickly and insightfully he answered my questions which he did not see in advance of the podcast recording.

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Rethinking Immunity: Balancing the Innate and Adaptive Immune System w/ bleeding edge ParaProbiotics and Steven Wright

During this edition of the Thrivality:OutLoud Podcast, Steven Wright is back on the show to discuss his new creation - HoloImmune - which uses a new class of ingredients called ParaProbiotics - or heat treated young probiotics - to rebalance the two branches of your immune system, the Innate and Adaptive or TH1 and TH2. These branches modulate each other but can become imbalanced through stress or illness resulting in a host of problems from respiratory, skin, gut, or overall immune imbalances.

WE go deep on how HoloImmue re-estabishes proper cell to cell communication in the gut. Think of Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercertin, NAC as ingredients the immune system uses to do its job. And HoloImmune as the intelligence or “flight plans” to get the immune system rebalanced and “flying” in the right direction.

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HIT Body Building, Martial Arts, Nutrition & Mindset with Jancel Conroy of Crowbar Gym

During this edition of the Thrivality:OutLoud Podcast, I interview my body building coach Janel Conroy who is an amazing human being. Jancel is a Federal Police Officer, expert body builder, martial artist, mindset coach, renaissance man, and overall badass.

You should listen to this podcast if you are interested in high intensity short duration body building, nutrition, getting your mindset right, optimizing your nutrition, and more.

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Taming Lyme & Tick-borne Chaos with the FreMedica Wave 1 and Stephen Davis (Part 1)

During this edition of the Thrivality:OutLoud Podcast, I dive deep with Stephen Davis on his own family's Lyme Journey and what led to the creation of the WAVE 1, a light and frequency based device that helps restore the bodies Immune Function and Cellular Communication. Could it be that simply retraining the bodies immune function and cell communications have been a huge missing piece for so many? Myself included?

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Silver infused clothing for EMF Stress reduction, better sleep, improved HRV, and quality of life with Lambs CEO Arthur Menard

Curious about how EMFs create stress in the body and what you can do about it? Arthur Menard, the co founder and CEO of Lambs Clothing, provides the most articulate well reasoned explanation of how EMFs from Cell Phones, Cell Towers, WiFi routers, and electrical wiring in our homes impacts human biology at the cellular level during this episode of the Thrivality: OutLoud podcast. We then dive deep on how Lambs clothing offers a convenient solution to protecting your brain, body, organs, and yes, your genitals, (yes, EMFs impact fertility!), and more.

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Next Gen water filtration & restructuring for vibrant health with Gary Greenfield

Want the best water for you and your family to support nutrient assimilation, energy, and overall health? Concerned about Fluoride, Chlorine, Arsenic, and other pollutants and how they impact your health? Want to understand how water actually works in the body and how it imparts nutrition and information? Want to have better tasting drinking water, tea / coffee, and an energizing shower or bath? Well then you have come to the right place!

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